Working in Finland

By Chiedza on Giugno 26 2024
Woman crossing a suspension bridge in a snowy Oulanka National Park, Finland

Finland is known as the world's happiest country. The country has a unique work culture which makes going to work enjoyable! Framery, a Finnish manufacturing company is one of the many companies that builds this work culture by making these five phrases a part of their daily work ethic:

  • "the person who asks questions will not stray away from the path"—this encourages open dialogue and respect for differing opinions,
  • "a crazy person does a lot of work; a smart person gets away with less"—emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance,
  • "put the cat on the table"—employees are advised to talk openly and honestly about difficult or awkward issues in the company,

  • "whatever you leave behind, you will find in front of you"—issues must be addressed the moment they arise, and

  • "going toward the tree with your back first"—plan ahead and consider possible outcomes before making a decision

These values help create a healthy work environment in which everyone has a sense of belonging, contributing to the overall success of the company.

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According to the article, Finnish people enjoy going to work. Does this surprise you? Why or Why not?
Are any of the five values mentioned in the article a part of your company's culture? If not, which ones would you like to introduce? Why?
In what way does emphasizing work-life balance influence productivity and employee satisfaction?
How might a supportive work environment affect employee retention and overall company success?
Describe workplace happiness and efficiency in your company. Do these need improvement? If so, how can they be improved?