The war in Ukraine and the law

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The Russian attack on Ukraine has created many challenges for international law. Article 2.4 of the UN Charter forbids the “use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State”. In response to recent events, the international community states that Russia has violated this by attacking Ukraine. Vladimir Putin disagrees with that and has made several attempts to justify his actions.

When an ordinary person is accused of violating the law, they are taken to court, and their case is investigated. However, things are much more complex when countries' leaders are involved. There is a system called The International Court of Justice that works through disagreements between the countries. Unfortunately, it can only work when all sides of the conflict agree to participate in the process. 

Many world leaders and international businesses filed economic sanctions on Russia and Belarus because of the current situation. Unfortunately, many of these sanctions target the whole country, which means that ordinary people (who might be against the war) suffer, while political leaders and business owners have enough money to push through sanctions. 

All of the above raises a difficult question of what should be done in these situations and how a fair trial can be established.

Please, tell the main points of the article to your teacher Do Homework
What do you think of economic sanctions? Do Homework
How did your country react to the war in Ukraine? What about your company? Do Homework
In your opinion, what would be an ideal resolution to the current situation? Do Homework
Have sanctions ever been imposed on your country? Do Homework