A six-day work week in Greece

By Chiedza on Luglio 10 2024
Focused businessman having breakfast

On July 1, 2024, Greece introduced a six-day workweek to reduce labour shortages and eradicate unpaid overtime. This law applies to industrial facilities and 24/7 services but it excludes tourism and food services.

While Greece sees this as a positive step, employee relations experts around Europe argue that the long working hours and inadequate rest will affect work-life balance and productivity. This decision is also quite a surprise because other European countries want to implement shorter workweeks.

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In your opinion, will the six-day workweek address or fail to address Greece's labor shortages?
How do you think the new six-day workweek will impact the work-life balance of Greek workers?
What are the potential economic benefits and drawbacks of extending the workweek from five to six days in Greece?
If this system works for Greece, do you think other countries experiencing labor shortages might follow its lead?
Discuss the workweek in your country with your teacher. Do you think the days should be reduced, increased, or remain the same? Why?