G.B.C. 6 Making strong arguments

Putting it all together in a cohesive form.

This is a review lesson. We will review what we covered in the first five classes to ensure you are making a strong argument.


For this lesson, prepare an answer to a G.B.C. question you have been asked before in the test. If you have not done the test yet, take one of the questions from the previous lessons.

Nothing much to it here. We'll review and practice the previous five lessons, so you want to make sure that your student is hitting the following key points from each class (remind your student of them):

  1. expanding & demonstrating your skills;
  2. basic answer structure—strong introductions and conclusions;
  3. claims;
  4. evidence; and
  5. reasoning.

There is a good chance that they have not prepared for this lesson. If they have not, it's no big deal. Hit them with one of the questions in the warm-up notes.

Warm Up

Tell your teacher the question you prepared for, then deliver your answer as you would in the G.B.C. test.

Ask them what question they prepared for, and then have them give you their answer. Take lots of notes focused on the 5 target areas of argument structure that are listed above. Ignore everything else, but make it clear that is what you are doing:

You made a few grammar mistakes with that, but let's focus on your argument this time.

Then deliver your feedback on the strength of their argument.

Questions to ask if your student is not prepared:

  1. If you could chose any location for a future overseas trip, where would you go and why?
  2. If you could change your working conditions somehow, what would you do and why?
  3. What can Japanese business teach the rest of the world?

No language section here. It's all practice.


Now try some more questions with your teacher. Your teacher will ask the question. Answer them as you would in the test.

Make sure you give a strong argument, with good evidence to support your claim and sound reasoning to connect your evidence to your claim. Don't forget to make a clear introduction and a powerful conclusion. And remember to expand on your answer and show off your English skills!