Inglese per l'industria farmaceutica

This is a specialized course for anyone working in the pharmaceutical industry. You will learn industry vocabulary, discuss pharmaceutical topics, and review essential language. This course covers many aspects of the industry including drug dosage forms, categories of drugs, laboratory safety systems, packaging challenges, and more. 

If you are now working in the pharmaceutical industry, or if you plan to work there in the future, this is the course for you. 

Six units cover key aspects of the pharmaceutical industry:

  1. the kickoff meeting;
  2. drug delivery and development;
  3. quality assurance;
  4. clinical testing;
  5. drug safety;
  6. production and packaging.

Each unit includes grammar, vocabulary, listening, reading and discussion.

If you would like to know more about this course or get a recommendation about which teachers can teach it best, please email

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Time to complete


This is a relatively short book (100 pages, so 1/2 or 1/3 the length of most of our other books) so any student associated with the pharma industry should complete this course.

There is no teacher's book. If you come across an unfamiliar word, phrase or idea, there are a few ways of approaching the situation:

  1. Always get your student to explain jargon or key terms. We teachers are experts in language, not in specific industries. Giving students the platform to talk in detail about key aspects of their industry is a great way to engage important aspects of their industry. 
  2. If your student cannot adequately explain a key term, then Google it. You may find it beneficial to Google key terms even when your student is explaining them. 
  3. In the rare event that neither your student nor Google can explain it, then tell your student that it's a very niche term and you will get back to them with the answer. You can ask staff or spend a bit more time on the internet uncovering the answer.