Mastering Vocabulary

The English Farm | Mastering Vocabulary

This course will help you to learn how to build your English vocabulary skills. It will teach you how to guess meanings of words through their history and context, how to define and rephrase them, and how to continue studying vocabulary on your own. The goal is to help you develop a richer and broader vocabulary as you go about your day. 

Time to complete

2 hours / 4 classes
4 hours / 8 classes

These Mastery courses allow students to focus on specific areas they are lacking in. Through covering basic linguistic knowledge, language acquisition theory, and study/test preparation skills, these mini-courses start by guiding students to self-diagnose areas they need to work on, and end with ideas in acquiring skills naturally in their everyday life. The courses aim to make students active learners in mastering areas such as vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, instead of passively memorizing or only taking lessons without independent learning. Encourage your students through their time at The English Farm to use the skills learned in these lessons.

In relation to the GBC, this course will help students:

  • Grow basic words/phrases 
  • Find the right word 
  • Use the right word form 
  • Use effective vocabulary 
  • Increase business/practical expressions