GCAS Strategies 13 Discussion: Disagreeing

Woman in orange blazer with arms crossed

I disagree

In this lesson, we'll discuss ways to disagree with an opinion.


Disagreeing is useful in any discussion. It is especially useful in GCAS Part 1.

Disagree with the following statement:

Remote work is suitable for all businesses.

This lesson is aimed at Part 1 of the GCAS, but you can use the strategies in many other places too.

Start with a discussion about whether the student thinks remote work is suitable for all businesses. The keyword here is all. If they say yes, point out examples of blue-collar jobs or essential work (e.g., factory work, construction, education, medicine, etc.).

If they seem to clam up, share your own opinions or say something like this:

I don't think remote work is suitable for all businesses. Essential workers, or those who work in grocery stores, construction, and even the medical field, can't work remotely because you physically need to be there to help customers and clients. What do you think?

Warm Up

What are some phrases you use when you're expressing disagreement? 

The student may come up with some phrases from the list below. If they are struggling, give them the question below and ask them to disagree.

I think working from home is better than going to the office because you don't get distracted by your colleagues. What do you think?

Here are some other phrases to express disagreement:

  • Definitely not.
  • I disagree.
  • That’s not always true.
  • I don't think so.
  • That’s one way of looking at it. However, ...

Read the following phrases. Choose one phrase you understand but cannot use confidently.

A. Strong disagreement

  • I strongly disagree.
  • I don't see it that way. 
  • I disagree. 
  • I don't think so.

Choose one and practice it.

B. Weak disagreement

  • I'm not sure I agree with you on... 
  • Actually, I'm afraid I disagree. 
  • The way I see it, I think...

Choose one and practice it.

C. Indirect disagreement

  • Mmm, I'm not so sure.    
  • I see what you're saying, but... 
  • That's a fair point, but...

Choose one and practice it.

A. Strong Disagreement

Go through the list with the student. 


  • Your company should reduce salaries to stay competitive.
  • Companies should be allowed to pollute as much as they want.

B. Weak Disagreement

Go through the list with the student. 


  • Children should be allowed to register for social media accounts.
  • A company should spend money on celebrations.

Other expressions to express weak disagreement: 

  • Not necessarily.
  • That’s not always true.

C. Indirect Disagreement

Go through the list with the student.


  • When hiring, education is more important than experience.
  • Companies should have a mandatory paternity leave.

Other expressions to express indirect disagreement: 

  • I find that a little difficult to accept.
  • I don't think I fully agree.
  • While I agree with you on [A], I think [B]...

  • You're right about [A], but I also think [B]. 



Practice disagreeing with the following statements: 

  • Giving a customer a good deal always involves lowering your price.
  • Traditional advertising is declining due to the rise in social media.
  • Automation is always a good thing.