First Lesson

The English Farm | First Lesson

Welcome to The English Farm!

This lesson will give you an idea of what lessons at The English Farm are like, while you learn and practice giving an elevator pitch. Your teacher will also guide you on how to use the site so you can confidently reach your goals. 

We’re happy you’re here to grow your English! 

Time to complete

25 minutes / 1 class
1 hour / 2 classes

This lesson aims to guide students through a trial lesson that covers elevator pitches. The lesson is made to be adjustable depending on the student’s comfort level and should be covered in 25 minutes.

Suggested timeline of a 25-minute lesson: 

  • Introduction: Discussion on introductions and elevator pitches (3 minutes) 
  • Warm-Up: Read out loud the definition of an elevator pitch, checking pronunciation and vocabulary (5 minutes) 
  • Language: Phrases for elevator pitches (7 minutes) 
  • Practice: Putting an elevator pitch together (5 minutes)
  • Conclusion: Site run-through, next lesson, homework (5 minutes)

Time to Complete: 1 lesson/25 minutes