Business Idioms 19 Ability

Man blowing bubbles while balancing a pole on his head


This lesson will focus on using a variety of expressions related to ability.


You will learn 5 idioms describing ability. You will also have the chance to talk about your own experiences and share your opinions.

The topic is ability, which should be a familiar subject for most students.

Guide to Business Idioms 

Why idioms? 

Idioms bring up a lot of pre-packaged imagery. They are emotive and they resonate with native speakers.

Don't over-use them, but on the other hand, a well-placed idiom will bring your language to life. 

Warm Up 

  • Be quick & interesting.
  • Note idioms the student uses unprompted. 
  • You may say, "That was a clear answer, but it wasn't very natural. Let's add some natural expressions using the phrases in the Language section."
  • Praise or recommend good spoken grammar:
    • use of contractions (it isn't, they're, etc...); 
    • short, active sentences (clear spoken English often employs such language);
    • emphatic language.

Language section 

You may take multiple classes for this.  

  • Encourage short answers, but don't move too quickly (find a balance).
  • Focus on the phrase at hand.
  • Make sure the student is confident with each one before moving on. 
  • Encourage the student to express themselves using their own experiences or knowledge as much as possible.
  • Model the target language as much as possible.
Warm Up

What's your greatest strength?

This warm-up should take 2-3 minutes. 


I pride myself on my relationship-building skills and my ability to form collaborative bonds with my colleagues. I’ve always been a people-person, and this has been recognized. Last year I was appointed mentor to three new-hires. We get along very well and I’m very pleased to say that they are making excellent progress within my current company.


Please consider each expression and match them to the images. Your instructor has an example and a question regarding each one.

1. be second nature—so familiar that it can be done easily without much thought.
2. think outside the box—think imaginatively using new ideas instead of traditional or expected ideas.
3. push the envelope—try new things that have not been acceptable or tried before.
4. go far—be very successful.
5. be up-and-coming—likely to achieve success soon or in the near future.

A. B.
C. D.


Spend as long or as short a time as necessary on each phrase, but make sure the student can use it smoothly before moving on. The student should rephrase the "Practice" sentence with the target idiom, and then answer the "Question" using the target idiom.

1. (E) be second nature

E.g.: I don’t mind giving presentations. They are second nature to me now.

Practice: Preparing spreadsheets is very familiar to accountants.
Example answer: Preparing spreadsheets is second nature to accountants.
Question: What aspect of your job is so familiar to you that you can do it without thinking?
Example answer: I’m a consultant, so conducting expert interviews is second nature to me.


2. (C) think outside the box

E.g.: In brainstorming sessions, we are encouraged to think outside the box.

Practice: Our new team leader wants us to think imaginatively.
Example answer: Our new team leader wants us to think outside the box.
Question: In your job, do you have to think traditionally, or imaginatively?
Example answer: I’m a marketing manager, so I really need to think outside the box to come up with new ways of promoting our products.


3. (B) push the envelope

E.g.: When Apple released the first iPhone in 2007, they were really pushing the envelope.

Practice: Tech companies are continuously trying to come up with new products that have never been seen before.
Example answer: Tech companies are continuously trying to push the envelope.
Question: Which companies are trying new things these days?
Example answer: I think A.I. technology companies are really pushing the envelope at the moment.


4. (D) go far

E.g.: My first manager told me that I was talented and would go far in my career.

Practice: I knew the first time I met her that she would be very successful as a consultant.
Example answer: I knew the first time I met her that she would go far as a consultant.
Question: Have you ever met anyone that was so talented that you knew he or she would be very successful in the future?
Example answer: Yes, I once worked with a team member who was highly skilled and extremely intelligent. I was sure that she would go far one day.


5. (A) up-and-coming

E.g.: We have a lot of up-and-coming lawyers at this firm.

Practice: Autonomous vehicles are going to be a successful technology in the near future.
Example answer: Autonomous vehicles are an up-and-coming technology.
Question: Can you think of any products or services that are likely to be successful in the future?
Example answer: I definitely think that A.I. technology is up-and-coming, and I predict great success in the future as AI solutions begin to be more widely adopted.


A. Complete the anecdote

Read each section and choose an appropriate idiom from the list above.

  1. At this startup, we’re not interested in people who approach problems in a traditional way. We need people who can… 
  2. Tania’s manager told her that if she carried on using her talents to the full, she would… 
  3. Yuko has been doing her job so long that she can manage every part easily. To her, all aspects of the job are… 
  4. We have several gifted young executives here, but one stands out from all the rest. He’s really... 
  5. Our company is attempting to use methods that haven't been explored before. We’re really trying to… 

B. Discussion

Use idioms to discuss the following topics.

  1. In the future, what tech company will dominate the global market?
  2. How do people come up with innovative new ideas?
  3. Are traditional ways of thinking more appropriate in any industry?



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Gabi Witthaus via Flickr
Donga Hauomie Samz via Wikimedia Commons
Dan Grinwis via Unsplash
5480831 via Pixabay