Business Idioms 1 Success I

This lesson will focus on using a variety of expressions related to success.


This lesson will help you use these idioms describing success. You will also get a chance to talk about your own experiences.

The topic is success, which is hopefully a familiar subject for most students.

Guide to Business Idioms 

Why idioms? 

Idioms bring up a lot of pre-packaged imagery. They are emotive and they resonate with native speakers.

Don't over-use them, but on the other hand, a well-placed idiom will bring your language to life. 

Warm Up 

  • Be quick & interesting.
  • Note idioms the student uses unprompted. 
  • You may say, "That was a clear answer, but it wasn't very natural. Let's add some natural expressions using the phrases in the Language section."
  • Praise or recommend good spoken grammar:
    • use of contractions (it isn't, they're, etc...); 
    • short, active sentences (clear spoken English often employs such language);
    • emphatic language.

Language section 

You may take multiple classes for this.  

  • Encourage short answers, but don't move too quickly (find a balance).
  • Focus on the phrase at hand.
  • Make sure the student is confident with each one before moving on. 
  • Encourage the student to express themselves using their own experiences or knowledge as much as possible.
  • Model the target language as much as possible.
Warm Up

What is your greatest professional achievement to date?

This warm-up should take 2–3 minutes.


One time I was assigned to a very complicated project that required attention to a lot of different details. It was tough, but I kept my eye on the ball, and we ended up being very successful. Even better, I was promoted based on my performance in that project!


Please consider each expression and match them to the images. Your instructor has an example and a question regarding each one. 

  1. in the black—have money in the bank and not be in debt.
  2. keep your eye on the ball—give your attention to what you are doing at the time.
  3. gain ground—become more popular or successful.
  4. a win-win situation—a situation that is good for everyone who is involved.
  5. be on a roll—be experiencing a period of success or good luck.
  6. the sky’s the limit—there is no limit to what can be gained or achieved. 
A. B.
C. D.
E. F.

Spend as long or as short a time as necessary on each phrase, but make sure the student can use it smoothly before moving on. The student should rephrase the "Practice" sentence with the target idiom, and then answer the "Question" using the target idiom.

1. (B) in the black

E.g.: Now that our previous client paid what he owed us, we are back in the black.

Practice: Our latest product sold well, so now we have money in the bank.
Example answer: Our latest product sold well. So now we are in the black.
Question: What can a company do to remain solvent?
Example answer: In order to be in the black, a company has to have a well-focused corporate strategy and pay close attention to unnecessary expenditure.


2. (E) keep your eye on the ball

E.g.: When you are working at a tech company, it’s important to keep your eye on the ball.

Practice: If you don’t pay attention to what you are doing, you run the risk of making costly mistakes.
Example answer: If you don’t keep your eye on the ball, you run the risk of making costly mistakes.
Question: Why is it important to pay close attention to what you are doing in a business scenario?
Example answer: It’s vital to keep your eye on the ball in business because there are many factors that can lead to failure if you don’t pay attention to them.


3. (A) gain ground

E.g.: Silicon Valley is still the U.S. tech capital, but several other cities are gaining ground in this sector.

Practice: Huawei mobile phones have become more popular since 2015.
Example answer: Huawei mobile phones have gained ground since 2015.
Question: Which retail companies are becoming more popular in your country?  
Example answer: In my country, Lidl and Aldi are gaining ground rapidly compared with more traditional retail outlets.


4. (F) a win-win situation

E.g.: I do great work for my company and they pay me a good salary, so it’s a win-win situation.

Practice: The relationship I have with my clients is good for both of us. They pay me a high fee and I help them to expand their market share.
Example answer: The relationship I have with my clients is a win-win situation. They pay me a high fee and I help them to expand their market share.
Question: Can you think of examples in your industry of a situation where all the people involved benefit?
Example answer: My area is consulting, and it’s a perfect example of a win-win situation. Most consulting companies charge very high fees, but their clients generally have great benefits, so it’s a win-win situation for everyone involved.


5. (D) be on a roll

E.g.: Lewis Hamilton has won eight F1 races this season. He’s definitely on a roll.

Practice: Our last three projects were all great successes. It's a really great period for us.
Example answer: Our last three projects were all great successes. We're on a roll.
Question: Which brand or company is enjoying a period of sustained success in your country
Example answer: The film industry is experiencing success after success in New Zealand, with a series of blockbusters like Lord of the Rings and the Avatar sequels. The industry is really on a roll.


6. (C) the sky’s the limit

E.g.: If you graduate from Harvard, the sky's the limit as far as your career is concerned.

Practice: We just signed a contract with the biggest client in the market. I can't imagine how much profit we are going to make!
Example answer: We just signed a contract with the biggest client in the market. The sky's the limit in terms of the profit we are going to make!
Question: What is the most profitable sector of the economy for a new company to enter?
Example answer: The sky's the limit in the financial sector nowadays because there is so much investment all around the world.


A. Complete the anecdote

Read each section and choose an appropriate idiom from the list above.

  1. Janice worked very hard on her investment portfolio and made a profit 10 months in a row. She was really...
  2. Luigi’s company introduced a unique new product 18 months ago. They finally started making profits and managed to repay their loans. Now the company is once again...
  3. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, many companies asked their staff to work from home. As a result, companies avoid a lot of daily expenses and staff save time by not commuting. It’s really... 
  4. Ahmal's company was slow to market with a key product, so their competitor had first-mover advantage. However, they just recently came to market with a superior product, so they are now gradually…
  5. Hakim was fired from his accounting position because he consistently made small, careless mistakes. He wouldn’t have lost his job if he had…
  6. The day she started work at Google, Cora’s new boss told her there was nothing she couldn’t achieve with the company. He said: “If you’re prepared to work hard,…

B. Discussion

Use idioms to discuss the following topics.

  1. What advice would you give to someone who wants to be successful?
  2. What are the characteristics of a successful CEO?
  3. Which areas of industry will be the most successful in the future?



Victoire Joncheray via Unsplash
Greg Montani via Pixabay
Danist Soh via Unsplash
Brett Jordan via Unsplash
Alotrobo via Pexels
DoD News via Flickr