Business beginner trial lesson: sharing opinions

This is a sample lesson from our beginner business course. This book is suitable for the following levels:

< 250 < 20 < 2.0

The book covers all main language skills and general business English. More information is available on the beginner business course page.


In this lesson, you will learn how to ask and give opinions. You will also learn how to agree and disagree. This is very useful in everyday life and business.

Dive into the warm up, and remember you have 15 minutes for warm up, language and practice in a trial. See the detailed help page on trial lessons & skills assessments if you need some general tips.

The full page of the book is included so that your student can get used to finding their way through the book with your instructions.

Note: If the images are too small, click them to get a larger version in a new window. Click that image again, and you can zoom in.

Warm Up

Do you like to share your opinion, or are you shy to? Why?

Try to get the student relaxed and chatting. Don't give any corrections here if you don't need to. Focus on communicating.


Let's take a look at a page from the textbook. This page is from Unit 10. Your teacher will guide you.

Do questions 3 & 4, and focus on using the key expressions.

Note: Don't do the listening. Just work through the phrases.


Let's practice! Your teacher will ask you about your opinion. You try to ask your teacher about his/her opinion too. Any topic is OK!