Orientation Beginner to Pre-Intermediate

Learning English is not an easy task, but it can be easier if you know how to study and make the best use of your time. This course will do just that. 

In two lessons, we will talk about: 

  • how to learn actively;
  • how to practice what you learn;
  • how to master the language; and
  • how to keep improving.

You will also discuss your strengths and weaknesses in using English. The goal is to find a course that best fits your needs. Remember, your teacher is there to be a guide, but you are driving the ship!

Time to complete

1 hour / 2 classes
2 hours / 4 classes

This course was made to offer a lower-level orientation course for our beginner/pre-intermediate students. 

Main goal of the course: To help students learn how to learn English and find a course that suits their needs

Sub-goals: To assist the teacher in finding out more about the students’ needs so they can offer courses that best support the students; and to continue to fill out the student’s profile.

In two lessons, you and your student will discuss: 

  • How to learn actively.
    • This section aims to give tips on how to take lessons efficiently. It will also introduce your student to a new grammar OR pronunciation OR communication point from one of our textbooks.  
  • How to practice what you learn.
    • This section will encourage your student to take what they learned above and practice applying it. It will show your student what it means to practice new language points and that it’s okay to make mistakes (because we’ll keep helping them fix fossilized errors).
  • How to master the language.
    • This section will give your student a chance to learn more about our textbooks (Business Result and English File). It will also give them a chance to discuss their strengths and weaknesses with you, as well as re-state their goals. 
  • How to keep improving.
    • This section looks to the future as the student solidifies their study plan. It aims to motivate your student to continue to practice English. It will also encourage them to book another class.