GCAS Mock Tests

The English Farm | GCAS Mock Tests

Use mock tests to gain confidence in test conditions. Practice skills you learned in the GCAS Strategies course such as argumentation, fluency and delivery.

Each mock test includes questions from the following.

  • Part 1: Interview and discussion
  • Part 2: Presentation
  • Part 3: Role-play and problem-solving

The English Farm recommends spending a maximum of two weeks doing mock test preparation.

Do not use mock tests to practice skills you have not learned yet. First learn English skills and test strategies. Then use mock tests to put your new skills into practice.

After your test, review your performance with your instructor and check your study direction.

Time to complete

3 hours / 5 classes
8 hours / 15 classes

Every question, graph and role-play is based on real tests used in mid-2021.

The Plan

If your student has a couple weeks or more before their test, then you can work slowly and focus on gaining vocabulary and phrases, or sharpen their strategies.

If the test is in a few days,  minimise teacher talk time and give plenty of praise to calm the student's nerves.

What not to do: 

  • Do not spend more than a couple weeks doing test prep. 
  • Do not allow your students to memorise or prepare full answers. 
  • Do not race through these questions, or spend too long on a single one. 

Tips and advice: 

  • Giving quick model answers can help your student benchmark their ability against that of a native speaker. 
  • Help with strong endings by giving your student another chance to finish, but don't make students repeat too much as it's demotivating. 
  • Refer to GCAS Strategies lessons when possible. 
  • Do not let your students repeat themselves—don't waffle on. 
  • If you can't follow your student then be honest, "I'm a native speaker but I can't really follow your logic. Can you think of another way to say that?"
  • Give praise as well! Specific examples, interesting facts, quick starts, varied tone—it's all important to point out.