Expert Interviews 2: Setting context

Woman on the phone in an office

This lesson will help you explain the context of your interview clearly and succinctly. 


In the influential book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit number 5 is, "First understand, then be understood."

What does that have to do with expert interviews? 

In this context, it's from the viewpoint of the expert.

They need to understand your situation so they can give you the right advice

Take time to establish the context of your project. If you do this well, your interviewee will know exactly the type of insight you are looking for. Then, later, you will not have to explain too much or redirect the interview. 

In other words, 

If you don't understand the situation well, you can't give good advice! So help the expert to clearly understand the situation. 

Warm Up

What is the aim of your project now? Explain it succinctly but thoroughly (while maintaining confidentiality). When explaining it, be careful not to use too much consulting jargon. A layperson should be able to understand it.

SayDo you think you can make your project understandable to me in less than a minute? Should I time your answer

Set a timer or make a note of the second they start explaining their project.

Main aims 

  1. Your student should not speak like they are talking to a colleague. Words like "deliverables" are fine internally, but there is no guarantee a person who is an expert in a specific field will know them.
    • It's best to use plain language. 
    • But don't take it too far. Plain language does not mean dumbing it down. Find a balance. 
  2. It shouldn't take too long. Time is precious in an expert interview. Time your student and as the lesson progresses, have them try to say more in less time. 

The "trusted advisor" framework

To set the context, we will use the "trusted advisor" framework: "Why me? Why this? Why now? Why you?" It is a simple MECE way of addressing all the relevant information—Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive. In other words, it includes everything, with no overlap.

A. Why me? 

Briefly introduce yourself and your company. Look at the following and discuss the benefits or risks (if any) of sharing the information.

  • Your name and position at your company. 
  • Your practice area.
  • Your, your team's, or your company's experience with the case focus area.

Example project: a retail bank has been losing market share. 

Hello, I'm Jean. I'm an analyst with the Ex-Y-Z Group. We specialize in strategic consulting and often work with retail, B2C businesses.

Practice: How knowledgeable are you about the following industries, and what would you say to an expert if you were doing a project in that field?

  1. Supply chain management in consumer goods manufacturing.
  2. IoT in the manufacturing sector of the automotive industry. 
  3. Brand-building in the fast-food industry.

Finally, tell your teacher about a past project and how much you knew about it when you started. 

B. Why this?

Talk about your project itself. From the expert's point of view, this is the most important and the most expected information. One strategy is to start broad and get more specific.

As I mentioned in the email, in my country there's fierce competition in the retail banking sector. Our client is a major player but recently it has been losing market share. There are a few reasons, but the main one is that other consumer-oriented banks are very tech-forward and have an attractive customer journey. We need to make a hard pivot to digital and make the customer experience as intuitive as possible.

Obviously, you don't want to give too much information. Look at the following case and describe it as you would to an expert. 

CLIENT: Lord of the Wings Fried Chicken

  • 240 locations in your country.
  • Sales have decreased 8% in the last year, compared to an industry average drop of 3%.
  • Initial research shows:
    • superior product;

    • weak brand image;
    • long waits;
    • fierce competition; and
    • competitors leveraging social media for viral campaigns. 

Hypothesis: Wait times and brand image are related and are the core issues.

Solution: Use technology to innovate the food production process; reestablish the brand identity. 

The project started 3 days ago. You are ending the first round of expert interviews. 

Now, describe it to an expert in retail technology innovation.

C. Why now?

You can briefly outline what you have done and what you have yet to do in your project. Many experts will know that you have different needs in different parts of the project. 

We've gathered some information about retail banking, but we are still establishing our understanding of a best-practice digital experience. 

Discuss the stages of a project with your teacher. Imagine it's 3 months long, and you have interviews scheduled at the following points:

  • Week 1—We need to understand the case, identify bottleneck issues and develop a hypothesis. 
  • Week 2—We need to...
  • Week 4—We need to...
  • Week 6—We need to...

What week is the example in the text box above from? What would you say to the same expert at week 6?

D. Why you?

If you have researched the expert or you know about their expertise, you can tell them which aspect of their expertise is most relevant to your project.

I see you've worked with retail financial institutions to map the customer journey and make the process more intuitive. Mapping the customer journey is really important to the success of this project. 

Other examples:

  • I read that you established a best-practice supply chain management in consumer goods manufacturing.
  • Your work in human-to-machine interaction in IoT is really interesting and highly relevant to this project.
  • I noticed your achievements in brand positioning. 

If you are unable to research the interviewee, you can say something like:

  • Could you tell me how your expertise lines up with this project?

Practice: Think of a partner or principal you've worked with. If you were to interview them, what aspect of their expertise could you highlight?

[See end of Language Notes for key terms]

The "trusted advisor" framework

"Why me? Why this? Why now? Why you?"—any order is okay, but this one is best for most expert interviews. 

  • MECEMutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive. In other words, it includes everything, with no overlap.

A. Why me?

As mentioned in Consulting 1.1, don't give a stock introduction. Rather, think about what the expert wants to know. 

Look at the following and discuss when you would share that information.

  • Your name and position at your company—definitely say it
  • Your practice areausually
    • If it's relevant, then say it. 
      • E.g., you studied and then worked in the industry your project is focused on.
      • E.g., you are interviewing someone associated with the competitor. (In that case, you won't want to say much—keep it brief.) 
      • E.g., you are interviewing an expert unfamiliar with your case focus. Then, add a lot of context. 
    • If it's impressive to the listener, then say it.
  • Your, your team's, or your company's experience with this case's focus area—usually.
    • If it's relevant/impressive, then say it briefly. 

    • If your interviewee is a competitor, be very brief!

Practice: How knowledgeable are you about the following industries, and what would you say to an expert if you were doing a project in that field?

There are a few aspects to each topic.

  1. Supply chain management / in consumer goods / manufacturing.
    • E.g.: I have a background in manufacturing and supply chain management, but only B2B, never consumer goods.
  2. IoT / in the manufacturing sector / in the automotive industry. 
    • E.g.: I've been working in the IoT area for a couple of years, but this is my first experience with the automotive industry. 
  3. Brand-building / in the fast-food industry.
    • E.g.: I'm interested in brand-building, but this is my first project in the fast-food industry. 

Have the student tell you about a past project and how much they knew about it when they started. 

    B. Why this?

    Have the student describe the case as they would to an expert interviewee. They should not just read out the information.

    CLIENT: Lord of the Wings Fried Chicken

    • 240 locations in your country.

    • Sales have dropped 8% in the last year, compared to an industry average drop of 3%.

    • Initial research shows:
      • superior product;
      • weak brand image;
      • long waits;
      • fierce competition; and
      • competitors leveraging social media for viral campaigns. 

    Hypothesis: Wait times and brand image are related and are the core issues.

    Solution: Use technology to innovate the food production process; reestablish the brand identity.

    The project started 3 days ago. You are ending the first round of expert interviews. 


    • My client is a major player in my country. 
    • But they're having trouble. Sales have plummeted 8% in the last year, compared to the industry average drop of just 3%. 
    • We've done some initial research. The product itself is very good. The food is delicious. However, the brand image is quite negative, and that's a key problem.
    • We believe that the wait times are a core issue and are affecting the image. 
    • We are going to use innovative solutions in food production and also reestablish the brand identity. 
    • We only started this week, so your insight should help us shape this strategy. 

    C. Why now?

    You can briefly outline what you have done and what you have yet to do in your project. Many experts will know that you have different needs in different parts of the project. 

    The project is 3 months long, and there are interviews scheduled at the following points:

    [Let your students fill in this information. Discuss it if necessary.] 

    • Week 1—We need to understand the case, identify bottleneck issues and develop a hypothesis. 
    • Week 2—We need to... Idea: continue to develop your hypothesis...
    • Week 4—We need to... Idea: confirm the hypothesisare your ideas right?
    • Week 6—We need to... Idea: (if interviews are necessary) make sure your ideas are spot on.  

    What week is the example in the text box above from? —Probably week 1 or 2.

    What would you say to the same expert at week 6?


    We've established some key aspects of what the digital experience should be, but we are looking at how to overcome some big hurdles. 

    D. Why you?


    • Do you usually research the expert? [Most consultants usually do.] 
    • Should you research the expert? [Yes!]

    The Why you? part is often overlooked, but it can show a few important things: 

    1. You are well-prepared.
    2. You acknowledge the expert's accomplishments.
    3. It establishes the direction of the interview.

    Key terms

    Make sure your student knows the following vocabulary. Don't spend too long on this, but short discussions are okay.

    • Map the customer journey.
    • Make the process more intuitive
    • Best-practice—important when comparing or "benchmarking" your client to others. 
    • Supply chain management—there is a "chain" of manufacturing, and it should be as tight as possible. 
    • Consumer goods manufacturing—this is B2C (business to consumer) as opposed to B2B (business to business). 
    • Human-to-machine interaction
      • IoT—the Internet of Things. It's a hot topic as manufacturing becomes more and more digital.
    • Brand-positioning—your brand compared to other brands. 


    Global software company Sysnamic Solutions recently acquired a smaller firm that specializes in Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). It is now experiencing rapid growth in its cloud-based book of ERP business. However, profit margins are much lower than targeted. You are working with the CFO to analyze the company's financials and operations.

    You are interviewing experts about ERP pricing strategies (e.g., fixed vs. variable) and the use of Reserved Instances (RIs) to lower costs. You need to get a clear picture of best-practice cases as well as the risks and benefits of RIs. 

    First, discuss this project with your teacher.

    How much do you know about these topics? Explain what you know and be clear about what you don't.

    Interview 1Daveed Lafayette, software engineer and innovator at Hackspace International

    Daveed is based in the UK and has worked with a variety of financial companies around the world to develop dynamic systems that grow alongside the company. He also developed some early versions of what is now known as ERP. 

    Interview 2Pauline Porizkovina, Managing partner of your company's Moscow branch; IT expert

    Pauline founded an ERP company that was acquired by an international company 9 years ago, which was around the time she became a consultant. She is familiar with selling services online and is well-known as a pricing expert.