Profile details

Location & Language profiles
Where are you from?
Emiratos Árabes Unidos
First Language

Ingles, Británico

Teacher Introduction
About me

Hello, I from India but I mainly live in Dubai. Ive also studied and lived in the UK. I enjoy teaching English and have taught at all levels for over a decade.

Before pursuing my passion of teaching English, I worked as a paralegal human resources specialist in global corporations. Here, I identified the significance of English in cross-cultural global businesses. It is used as a common language for business communication with international clients and teams. So, I understand both your language and professional needs. I’d love to work with students who are particularly interested in improving their English communication skills for important language examinations, successful meetings, interviews, presentations, and negotiations.

I am married and have a son. In my free time, I enjoy having laughter jams with my son, practicing meditation, and eating gluten free delicacies.

I look forward to meeting you.

Highest Qualification
Levels taught

Cambridge ESOL CELTA certified teacher. 

Master of Human Resource Management from the University of Bedfordshire, UK.

5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) from the University of Amritsar, INDIA.