G.B.C. mock test 6

Use these G.B.C. mock tests to prepare for your G.B.C. assessment. Pay attention to grammar, argumentation, fluency and delivery. Don't forget to use plenty of specific evidence in your answer. 

Ask the questions below; skip the ones you feel don't suit the lesson or the level. 

Tell your student that in this lesson you want them to remember to use plenty of specific evidence, as the description says. That means: 

  • Avoid general nouns when a specific noun can be used (ex: I like Japanese food < fresh sushi < tuna and shrimp sushi made by sushi masters in Tokyo, near the fish market). 
  • Or, use a general noun and then work towards a specific noun (ex: The economy is growing, so consumer confidence is rising. That means Japanese people are spending more money on luxury items and travel. So families can go abroad to places like Hawaii and enjoy their vacations). 
  • You may need to ask, "Can you give me an example?" or "Who does that affect?" 

Answer the questions your instructor has for you.