Estrategias para pruebas orales

The English Farm | Speaking Test Strategies course

Maximise your score on your next speaking test and learn skills for professional communication with the Speaking Test Strategies course.

You will learn how to give strong, logical answers with fluent, impactful delivery. The techniques you learn in this course will show you how to make a positive impression in any situation.

Speaking test preparation

The course covers all aspects of speaking tests and will prepare you for:

  • GBC;
  • TOEFL;
  • IELTS; and
  • STEP Eiken

Each lesson will introduce an idea that you can apply immediately to help you get the best score you possibly can.

Professional verbal communication

This course will also help you speak English in business situations such as meetings and presentations, and ensure you are immediately impressive when you speak.


  • structured communication;
  • body language;
  • logic and argumentation; and
  • intonation and delivery skills.

Each lesson can be completed in 25 minutes. There is also a homework task. This course is entirely online. The materials are free. There is no textbook.

Time to complete

5 hours / 10 classes
25 hours / 50 classes

NOTE: If your student will be taking the G.B.C. test, make sure you do G.B.C. Practice or Mock Tests [link to 2021 edition] beforehand. The questions in this course aren't based specifically on the G.B.C.

TOEIC-specific lessons are 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12.

Here is a breakdown of the structure of the course:

Lessons 1–5 : What to say (basics of making an argument)

  1. How to do your best; how to think about test answers.
  2. Structure—Beginning & ending.
  3. Evidence—5 different types & how to use them.
  4. Reasoning—How to connect the evidence to the claim.
  5. Review of the above.

Lessons 6–10: How to say it (basics of fluency)

  1. How to fake fluency; the quickest wins.
  2. Eliminating non-word sounds.
  3. Rhythm and intonation (basic overview).
  4. Confidence and enthusiasm.
  5. Review of the above.

Lessons 11–15: Argumentation strategies, & a closer look at each type of evidence

  1. Using counterarguments (balanced answers).
  2. Vivid examples and anecdotes.
  3. Layering reasoning.
  4. Using facts and research.
  5. Review of the above.

Lessons 16–20: Re-thinking an answer, from start to finish

  1. Confirming questions.
  2. Using alternative structures.
  3. Adding roll-on effects (If A, then B; if B, then C; and if C, then D; so A leads to D).
  4. Powerful endings (tone, gesture, adding a “so what”).
  5. Review of the above.

Lessons 21–25: Delivery; quick wins; & review

  1. High impact gestures, eye contact, body language.
  2. Useful idioms.
  3. Tone tricks (lists and opposites).
  4. Advanced grammar patterns.
  5. Review of the above.

Pre- and Post-test lessons

  • Before your speaking test (vocal warm-up, relaxation; easy practice).
  • After your speaking test (debrief; goals check-in).


At any time during the course, do the "Before..." and "After your speaking test" lessons when they actually take their test. You can return to their regular STS lessons after the test.