
The English Farm | Orientation course

This course will guide you through setting SMART goals and creating a study plan for your time at The English Farm. It will also teach you how to get the most out of your lessons, so you can reach your goals efficiently. In two lessons, we will talk about: 

  • How to set clear goals (SMART goals) 
  • How to choose a course
  • How to learn actively 
  • How to set a study plan 

Remember, your teacher at The English Farm is your guide, but you are driving the ship!

Time to complete

1 hour / 2 classes
2 hours / 4 classes

Our main aim of this course is to set down clear expectations for our students before they begin their classes and get them to start off on the right foot. By the end of the course, the student should feel intrinsically motivated to keep taking classes at The English Farm. 

Suggested timeline of a 25-minute lesson: 

  • Introduction: 3 minutes
  • Warm-Up: 5 minutes
  • Language: 5 minutes
  • Practice: 10 minutes
  • Conclusion: 2 minutes