Image Credit
This lesson will give you a chance to practice GCAS skills and strategies you've learned.
Before starting the mock test, set a goal with your teacher.
You can use ideas from the GCAS Strategies course, advice you've been given, or your own ideas.
Part 1: Interview and discussion
Your teacher will ask three questions (4 minutes).
Part 2: Presentation
Your teacher will send you two graphs. Compare the graphs and give a presentation based on the information.
- Prepare silently (90 seconds).
- Explain the situation in detail and offer a solution to a problem (2 minutes).
Part 3: Role-play
Your teacher will send you an information sheet. It will have your role, a business problem, and 3 possible solutions. Use at least two of the solutions provided or your own ideas.
- Prepare silently (90 seconds).
- Propose solutions and defend them (3 minutes).