GCAS Mock Test 4

Papers with visuals

This lesson will give you a chance to practice GCAS skills and strategies you've learned.


Before starting the mock test, set a goal with your teacher.

You can use ideas from the GCAS Strategies course, advice you've been given, or your own ideas.

Set a goal with your student.

Ask, "Which part of your English would you like to focus on today?"

Setting and meeting goals means your student is improving. Not setting goals leaves you stuck with bad habits.

Use your student's ideas. Help them get specific (use SMART goals.) "A better score" is not a goal you can meet in this lesson.

Here are ideas for one-class goals.

  1. GCAS-specific:
    • Say your key points within the time limit.
      • Especially in Part 2 Presentation and Part 3 Role-play.
    • Do not pause.
      • If test-takers pause for too long, examiners may cut in and ask another question.
    • Propose a solution/give an opinion with confidence
      • Use strong language (definitely, absolutely, without a doubt).
      • Use descending tone.
      • Justify your answer with evidence and reasoning. Do not simply summarize the scenarios presented to you in Part 2 and Part 3.
  2. Argumentation:
    • Use more specific examples.
    • Use facts more often.
    • Explain yourself with clear reasoning.
  3. Fluency:
    • Avoid "um"s and "uh"s.
    • Slow down (or, in some cases, speed up)
    • Speak with a rhythm; avoid halting speech
    • Speak with greater tonal variety—higher rising tone, lower descending tone.

Part 1: Interview and discussion

Your teacher will ask three questions (4 minutes).

Part 2: Presentation

Your teacher will send you two graphs.

  • Prepare silently (90 seconds).
  • Give a presentation. Explain the situation in detail and offer a solution to a problem (2 minutes).

Part 3: Role-play

Your teacher will send you an information sheet. It will have your role, a business problem, and 3 possible solutions. Use at least two of the solutions provided or your own ideas.

  • Prepare silently (90 seconds).
  • Propose solutions and defend them (3 minutes).