Αγγλικά για την πληροφορική

If you are an IT professional, this course will teach you all the fundamentals you need to communicate at work in English. Expand your specialist vocabulary, master your ability to communicate professionally and review essential business language with this course. We will ensure that you know all the most important words for your field, and help you develop your business communication skills.

This course is perfect for new IT hires who need to learn how to communicate in their field. It is also great for anyone in IT who has studied English before and needs a refresher course. If you are not confident enough to move to the advanced level in your general business English studies, try this shorter course and you will gain the confidence you need to progress.

There are 40 units, covering topics in these IT areas:

  • hardware and user interfaces;
  • operating systems and software;
  • business computing; 
  • IT systems;
  • the internet and web design;
  • e-commerce;
  • mobile technology;
  • robotics;
  • describing processes;
  • troubleshooting; 
  • general vocabulary skills;
  • general language skills; and
  • much more.

Each unit includes detailed notes and theory, practice exercises and discussion sections.

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Time to complete

25 時間 / 50 クラス
40 時間 / 80 クラス

This book teaches vocabulary and language for people working with computers and the Internet. It is a little out-of-date, but once you get past the quaint pictures of "wrist computers" it's all good.

The "In Use" series

Books in the "In Use" series all follow the same structure. They are divided into units grouped by topic. Each unit consists of a page of explanation and a page of exercises. They are designed for self-study but can be used in a classroom setting too. They are very easy to teach from. The explanation covers everything you need, and the exercises are simple with answers provided.

  1. Work through the explanations together with your student, making sure that they understand and answering any questions they may have;
  2. Do the exercises together;
  3. Set homework each class based on the material covered.

Teaching strategies

When you teach vocabulary, make sure you do some or all of the following:

  • Get your student to try to figure out the meanings of new words themselves.
  • Get your student to explain the meaning of the word in another way.
  • Get your student to tell you antonyms, synonyms or phrases they know related to the word in question.
  • Use the word in an example sentence that is related to their life or work.
  • Make the student produce their own example sentence.
  • Set writing homework that uses the new words.


  • You'll find answers to the exercises in an attached file below (and at the back of the book).
  • If you are not confident with the technical content, your student will understand. Remember, your job is to help with the language, not the ideas.