International Negotiations

The English Farm | International Negotiations course

This is a short, impactful guide to negotiating in English. You get the chance to do challenging role-plays, boost your own persuasiveness and learn how to adjust to different cultures. 

International Negotiations is part of the Cambridge Business series, a modern approach to acquiring business skills. This book's advice is displayed clearly and is easy to put into practice.

There are 10 units covering all aspects of negotiations, including: 

  • building the relationship;
  • techniques for asking questions;
  • using the bargaining zone;
  • handling a breakdown; and
  • closing the deal. 

The introduction of this book says it best, "Negotiation has been defined as the art of letting the other person have it your way!" Learn how with International Negotiations.

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Time to complete

30 hours / 60 hours
60 lesson / 120 hours

This is a short book. It's only 45 pages.

Simple guide for effective lessons:

  1. Ask the student about their experience and opinions often through the lessons. 
    • "Do your negotiations follow this style?"
    • "Do you agree with the advice so far?" 
  2. Use real examples of student needs. They can be simple or complex. 
    • Let's change this topic but use the target language.
      • What negotiations have you done? 
      • We can negotiate where we eat dinner. What's your favourite food? What's your least favourite
      • We can negotiate what movie we watch. What's your favourite movie? What's your least favourite?