Business intermediate trial lesson: encouraging

This is a sample lesson from our intermediate business course. This book is suitable for the following levels:

400 - 600 40 - 65 3.5 - 5.5

The book covers all main language skills and general business English. More information is available on the intermediate business course page.


In this lesson, you will learn how to encourage someone and give positive feedback when you are not sure. This is very useful in everyday life and business.

This lesson is on how to encourage people and give positive feedback when there is more work to be done. Dive into the warm up, and remember you have 15 minutes for warm up, language and practice in a trial. See the detailed help page on trial lessons & skills assessments if you need some general tips.

The full page of the book is included so that your student can get used to finding their way through the book with your instructions.

Note: If the images are too small, click them to get a larger version in a new window. Click that image again, and you can zoom in.

Warm Up

Do you give feedback in your job? To who? About what? Talk to your teacher about it.

You want to get the student talking here about a real world example of the kinds of feedback situations they are involved in. Then you can apply what you cover here in the practice at the end and get them excited about using the language for real in their job.


We are going to do the "Practically speaking" at the bottom of the page. First, let's start with some listening. Get ready to make some notes. Your teacher will help you with the instructions.

Introduce the "Practically speaking" part of the book:

The business result series is really great. You'll learn vocabulary and grammar and practice speaking, listening and writing. There's also lots of real business situations so you can develop your business communication skills. This lesson, we will do something from the "practically speaking" part of the lesson. Here you are going to learn social English communication. This will help you develop better relationships with colleagues and co-workers.

Instructions for the student are above, but take them through it. Make sure that the size of the image is OK (if it is too small, they can click it and a larger version will open in a new window).

Explain that you will read through the transcript, but there is a CD with the book, so they can do the listening to prepare or review. Tell them it is 5 conversations between A & B.

Say the name of the person speaking before you read their part so that it is clear the speaker has changed.

Try to read at a pace that they can catch most of it, but fast enough that they are kept on their toes. Encourage them to interrupt if they need you to slow down or they want you to repeat something ("You can interrupt and ask questions if you need to. If you want me to go slower, just say.")

After each mini-dialogue ask them the question: "Are they very happy or not so sure?"


Go through the phrases in #1 with your student, and practice saying them with good intonation and enthusiasm. Really work on the sentence tune, and remind them that this is important for scoring well in GBC (if they are taking that test).

Remember the +1, and so if they've got this, extend it a bit. Suggestions:

  • "You're on the right track."
  • "That's really looking good." or
  • "With a bit more work, this will be great." etc.

Now let's practice. Your teacher will make suggestions and come up with ideas. You should respond to them in an encouraging way (even if the idea is no good!).