Two dozen more teachers, and Employees of the Month for April and May

New teachers

We've brought on two dozen more new teachers from around the world to serve our growing roster of students. I believe we now have teachers on every continent except Antarctica. Every one of our carefully selected staff is experienced and fully trained so that we can provide the best service possible. I'm proud to be a member of this team.

Employees of the Month: David (April) & Carmen (May)

In this newsletter, we celebrate both April's and May's Employee of the Month winners, David and Carmen

David has been at The Farm for about 6 months now, and in that time he has developed a stable of very loyal students—every student who has booked a lesson with him has returned to book more. He's also a huge help to other teachers, writing impeccable lesson records and giving help wherever and whenever needed. David has chosen to support the Indian Red Cross:

It’s impossible to understate the tragedy of what is happening in India over the lasts weeks. My TEF heart goes out to everyone there, and their family abroad.

Carmen is a relatively new Farmhand, but she has already made a deep impression on students and staff alike. She's creative and curious, always asking thoughtful questions and giving insightful answers. She is diligent in communicating with lead teachers and others, and her lesson records are stellar, too! Carmen is donating her prize money to Galgael:

Galgael is a working community close to my heart, fighting exclusion, building community through boat building, sharing traditional skills and Scotland's coastal heritage.

Our thanks to both David and Carmen for all that you bring to The English Farm!

