
Visuals: Christmas in Germany

Christmas is very popular in Germany—lights, food and decorations abound. Also, of course, presents are a main component for many people, especially younger people. But the Germans are famous for being pragmatic and no-nonsense. So what kind of gifts are commonly given in Germany? Read the chart below to find out.

Christmas in a foodies' paradise

Japan is a culinary delight. There are many restaurants with Michelin stars. It's a country where ramen shops can command hours-long waits, and where entire floors of department stores are devoted to specialty food. If you take a domestic trip, you are expected to return to your office with omiyage—souvenir treats specific to a region. So one might expect Christmastime to be a season of decadent food. But actually, Christmas is when you get a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken [KFC]. 

People start placing orders as early as November, and if you are hoping to pop around the corner to pick up a family pack, you will be out of luck. The fried chicken, cakes and everything else at the fast-food chain sell out far in advance of December 25th.