G.B.C. 回答例 : 大学で学んだこと

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Japanese students in class
Japanese university students enjoying their course

今回のテーマは、あなた自身についての G.B.C. での質問です。前にも指摘したように、理論的には、あなた個人についての質問は、もっとも回答が簡単な質問のはずです。しかしながら、簡単であると考えられているからこそ、真に良い回答を準備しておくことが重要です。

今回の「質問」は、: 大学で何を学んだか?そして、得たものは何か? です。

Here is my sample answer:

My major at Keio University was macroeconomics, which mainly involved using econometric techniques and methodologies to predict future economic trends. I also studied various minors, such as sociology and music theory, which I particularly enjoyed. In retrospect, I gained a lot from university. Of course, I developed a fairly deep knowledge of my subjects, but at the same time, my university was rather progressive. Indeed, it was experimental in many ways. Most universities in Japan aim at imparting academic knowledge in a relatively narrow field. By contrast, my university education focused on a broad knowledge of many areas. My present job at BCG is similar to a large extent, as it is very varied in scope. All in all, I feel I benefited greatly from my university studies.                

This can be regarded as a good answer as:

  • First and foremost, it answers the question perfectly and concisely.
  • It clearly describes the respondent's studies.
  • It explains what the respondent gained from his/her studies.
  • It mentions why his/her university was different from other universities (this kind of experiential information makes answers far more interesting).
  • It gives a clear recap of the respondent's initial opinion: "All in all, I feel I benefited greatly from my university studies."
  • It uses some sophisticated vocabulary:
    • in retrospect: thinking now about something in the past
    • indeed: really or certainly, often used to emphasize something
    • impart: to communicate information to someone




ユーザー JesseVex の写真

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