The main religions of the world

By The English Farm on 3月 11 2021

People around the world follow different religions. We use specific words to describe them.

  • Christians worship Jesus Christ. They believe he is the son of God. There are three main types of Christians: Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox.
  • Muslims are part of a religion called Islam. They believe that Jesus is only a prophet. Their main prophet is Muhammed. Most Muslims are either Sunni or Shia.
  • Jews follow Judaism. Their main prophets are named Moses and Abraham. Christianity and Islam were inspired by Judaism.
  • Buddhists follow the teachings of Buddha, who said there is no God. The three main types of Buddhism are Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.
  • Hindus belong to Hinduism, a religion with many gods. When a religion has many gods, we call it polytheistic. When it only has one God, it is monotheistic.
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