Benjamin Hubert: Designing for all

By Di on 11月 29 2022

Benjamin Hubert, founder of the design company LAYER, believes that design should be for the people, not for galleries. LAYER’s vision is to solve everyday problems in the best way possible. For example, a client approached them about a new wheelchair. This was a company with no relationship to design—they just needed a better wheelchair. According to Hubert, “clients approach us because they want a functional and affordable product that’s also beautiful.” 

Hubert founded the LAYER start-up in 2010 after working for a large agency for a few years. He recommends to all founders of start-up companies that they work for someone else first. That way you learn about all the aspects of a business.

LAYER has an agile design process, based on “open discussion and an exchange of ideas”, both with clients and among the designers. When hiring, Hubert looks for highly motivated, passionate people. As he says, “You can teach someone to do things, but motivation is personal.”

As well as being committed to sustainable design, LAYER devotes 20% of its work to nonprofits. “As designers, we have a responsibility to address problems that are necessities. It’s important to contribute something to society and use our time for projects that improve the world.”

Teaching notes

For more on LAYER's process of product development, see Process - LAYER ( They design products for stress relief, e.g., a meditation VR headset. Other projects include wearable tech, seating for airlines and outdoor spaces, sound systems and AI interfaces. They strive for environmentally sustainable design in all things.

For some other examples of sustainable design, see 10 great examples of sustainable design.

One definition of "design", from Google Design: "Design isn’t just about making things look appealing, or just about usability, or even just delight. It is about taking products from being usable to delightful, and then beyond that — to meaningful."

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What is the vision of the LAYER design company?
Do you agree that all founders of start-up companies work for someone else first? Why or why not?
Hubert says, "You can teach someone to do things, but motivation is personal.” Do you agree that motivation is more important than skills when hiring? Why or why not?
What are some examples of sustainable design?
What is design? What is the purpose?