Visuals: COVID-19 vaccination rates

By The English Farm on May 13 2021

Vaccination against the COVID-19 virus started in December 2020. It has progressed at an unequal rate around the world. As of late April 2021, only a few million people had received a vaccination in the whole of the African continent, while over 200 million Americans had been vaccinated.

However, for some smaller countries, the situation can change very quickly.

Please take a look at the graph below and discuss what you see with your teacher. 

Teaching notes

Bhutan is a small Himalayan country in South Asia nestled between India and China. It has a population of only 763,092 (2019). It's the fact that there are so few people, and that the country has a very centralized government, that has allowed it to vaccinate its population at breakneck speed.

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Present this graph to your teacher.
Bhutan managed to vaccinate most of its population in a week. How do you think that's possible?
Which parts of the world are absent from this graph? Why?
What is your opinion of your country’s vaccination campaign?