Doodling: why do we do it?

By Di on May 12 2022

"Doodling" is drawing without thinking about it, on whatever is in front of us. Sometimes it's on the side of meeting notes, or on an envelope or napkin. It's a very common habit. So, why do we do it?

There are a few reasons we doodle:

  • to pass the time when we can't do anything else, like when we're on a train or waiting for a bus;
  • to keep ourselves awake during a boring presentation, lecture, etc.; and

  • to focus on something while meditating.

Studies show that people who doodle while listening to someone talk remember 30% more of what was said than people who don't doodle. Doodling actually helps keep us focused. Our brain stays occupied, so our attention doesn't wander.

Some researchers believe that what we doodle has a deeper meaning. Doodling can show us what we're thinking about, what we're feeling, and who we are. Different people believe in different meanings, so take them with a grain of salt.

Watch this video and let yourself doodle. Just draw freely without a plan, and see what comes out!


take [something] with a grain of salt—to understand that what is said isn't necessarily true.


Teaching notes

Make sure both you and the student have something to write with and something to write on before you begin. Just play a couple of minutes of the video—long enough to get bored and start doodling. You might want to share your doodles with each other afterwards, by holding them up to the camera or something more sophisticated, if you know how to do it.

There are a lot of different interpretations of the meaning of different doodles. This infographic is an easy resource for discussion: "What doodling says about your personality type"

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Have you ever had a class like this in school or university? Were you able to stay awake? How did you do that?
How does doodling help us pay attention?
What do you usually draw when you doodle? Are there certain shapes or figures?
Do you believe that our doodles reveal our inner thoughts and feelings?
Some people say that doodling is art. Do you agree? Why or why not?