
Man in a t-shirt giving a presentation
Business presentations


I have to come clean about something: English language schools have been selling business English for a long time. But "Business English" is not real. 

First, let’s answer one question. What is English? It’s a language. It’s words and phrases linked with grammar and syntax. There are rules about pronunciation. There are rules about writing. 

So what is business grammar? What is business pronunciation? Which words are business words? The answer, of course, is you'll use all kinds of grammar in business. Same with pronunciation. Same, in fact, with vocabulary. 

All English is business English.

There are specialised words for your industry. If you are a UX designer, you might need to know about the human-centred approach or customer journey mapping. If you work in the energy industry, you might need to talk about photovoltaic solar energy. 

Some workplaces use certain words or phrases. You might meet a “tight deadline” or send a “quick email.” But you will find those common phrases outside the workplace, too. 

Some learners think business English is polite or formal. But if you have worked in an English-speaking office, you know it's often casual. In fact, if you are too formal with a client who is speaking casually, you will be mismatched and possibly seem rude. 

Some learners think everyday English is not polite or formal. But if you have ever ordered food at a restaurant, you have used formal English. We say, “Could I get a hamburger, please?” And, to catch the waiter’s attention, “Sorry, would you mind if I get a glass of water? Thanks.” Formal, polite English often happens outside business situations. 

Many students use the Business Result textbooks. That’s a fine choice, so long as it’s not boring or too difficult. The Business Result course gives you a good starting place. But it does not cover all the English you need to do business. It also doesn't focus on your industry. Successful business people learn English from many other places, too.

All English study is useful for doing business in English. If you have trouble with grammar, then study grammar. Same with pronunciation. Make sure it’s not too difficult, not boring and it’s focused on one topic. You can be sure, aside from some specialised language, all English is business English.